Arists in Residence

Lesley Muir 

Welcome! …or in the Gaelic, Failte!

Great to have you visit Summer Isles Studio’s website to view my ceramics – inspired by life around Achiltibuie and the Summer Isles!



Sarah Rychtarova

An aspect of my practice has been collecting, preparing and using local earthenware clay from the fields around my previous home in Angus; It’s dried then slaked in rainwater, sieved to remove stones and grit, then wedged ready to use. I also use local clay for creating layers of texture in my paintings.

As I establish roots in Coigach, I wonder at what local, natural materials I’ll encounter to play with…



Cathy Holms

Working in my studio at Fisk has given me the opportunity to experiment with various materials, but I find that weaving with wire is a process that I keep returning to.

My work begins with creating jewellery, but often strays into experimenting with three-dimensional forms and the creation of new textures.



Lily McMullan

I have been working on my painted and decoupage shells for two years now, I am incredibly lucky to have the opportunity of having a studio at Fisk in which to work and develop my ideas. I am still attending school in Ullapool where I continue my studies in Art and Design and Music.